How The Black Plague Inspired Arguably The Greatest Covers Record
In Recorded History
From the ashes of the Black Plague arose a coven of dark-cloaked,
masked figments of our imagination know as the Plague Doctors,
whose premise was to find, contain and dispose of the leprous
disease as they saw fit. They succeeded in their efforts as this illness
was intended to end civilization, as it was known. But even though it
was a time of death, it was also a time of song, as music was the
great catalyst for healing the sick and bringing peace to their souls.
This mythology was the catalyst for Doomslide, as its two mystical
healers Dr. Whyte and Dr. Blakk; both notorious minstrels took it upon
themselves to bring wellness to the lives of those whose ears they
Thru the physics of time travel and spectral astral projection Herr
Doctors made their way to modern society whilst retaining their ability
to poach others musical creations and inherently make them their
own, remember, they are mystics and they dwell in the great
unknown. Their research into formerly popular culture songsmiths
was vast and in-depth as they came upon suitable musical pieces
that were once popular and still reside in the transoms of mere
mortals, but since they trekked thru centuries to entertain and enrich,
they decided that an exorcism of the originals was due, thus the
concept behind the debut opus As The World Burns, as a cavalcade
of reworked tracks giving them new life. No longer will “You Spin Me
Round” and “I Want Your Sex” be relegated to the back of the jukebox but will
be front and center for the masses to invigorate their youthful
memories or still their current realities.
Doomslide may evoke pagan fires and bleak days ahead but rather
they offer a new way for the generation that came before. The only
thing stopping you is how much you’re willing to dance your ass